I thought I would give my blog a rest for a few days. Not that I minded the comments I get, I love those even from the people who disagree with me. Believe it or not, their opinions even help, it gives me another opinion and a chance to sharpen my mind with a good debate.

But this entry is dedicated to the ladies of the AidsMed forum. A great bunch of women who have been through their own personal hell not just due to this virus but other obstacles life has thrown at them and still managed to overcome those obstacles. And living every day one step ahead as well as one day at a time. You are all Queens in my book.

I have my own reasons for loving them the way I do. In getting to know these ladies, I feel like we have bonded for whatever reason even if it was this virus and AidsMed that brought us together. We have our own Ya-Ya Sisterhood going on in the Women’s Forum. I will mention some of them because I asked their permission to mention them here. Those who I don’t mention, it isn’t because I love you any less, it’s either because there are so many of you or I didn’t get your permission. Just know you are not forgotten or left out. Might I add this list is not in any particular order just as they come to me.

Bettytacy--- You are an inspiration to me in so many ways. You have over come all the obstacles life seemed to have thrown at you. Yet you still go on to improve yourself. Life may have made you a bitch(and I mean that in an endearing way) but you are one bitch I would want to have my back any day of the week.

Goderator Ann- Though I have never heard your voice with my ears, I hear it loud in clear through your blog and what you post in the forums. You have given me the courage to disclose the few times that I have, to be able to talk about hiv, and share the knowledge that I have. It may not be on a large scale as what you do but you have given me my voice. I thank you for that. When I think of you on “The Rock”, I see a woman who screams out, “I am woman, hear me roar!!!” I hope to be able to roar one day but for now I just “meow”. And it is a welcome change from sitting in silence.

CJC- I have always admired your strength and perserverance. You tend to be a bit quiet but you do what you have to for yourself and your little one.

There are so many more ladies I wish I could mention but for the sake of privacy or not having their permission, I can’t give them the props they deserve. There’s 2 of you who went out their way to help me when I needed it most. I will never forget what you did to help me and if I can return the favor, all you have to do is ask. Being that I am in the closet the way I am and not any support groups here (that I know of), the ladies of the Forum has been my pillars of strength, wells of knowledge, and most of all the sisters I never had. I love you all and you’re all more valuable to me than you know.....Now say it all together girls....“Yaaaaaaaaa Yaaaaaaaaaa”.