The power of a touch can be one of the most amazing things another human can do to one another. This past week I had the pleasure of speaking to the students at Clayton University in Atlanta, Georgia.

Upon arriving to the campus the coordinator who I had been in contact with surprised me with an amazing breathe taking hug. Little to her knowledge I was having severe pain in my body (desiring to just sleep it all away) and depression began to creep its head back in my thoughts. Her hug literally brought me back to reality. I believed I came to that university to give those students my story and awe struck I realized I had to pick up something: her hug alone gave me strength and hope.

I share this intimate story with you friends because you may be that person who needs a hug or maybe someone to hold your hand and let you know. IT WILL BE ALRIGHT. Or you may be that person who gives the best hugs. In which ever way it deems best, reach out for a hug today and receive exactly what you need.

HIV can be such a mentally taxing disease and I was not able to receive that special touch unless I stepped out of my comfort zone. What was and is out of my comfort zone? Being vulnerable, unsure of the repercussions of my hopeful actions and lastly being honest about whats really going on.

My interest in blogging is not to give you some type of clinical information rather heart information. I can be honest with you and let you my reader and friends know. Everyday isn’t always the best day but I sincerely desire for you to understand. Every word that I write allows for a piece of my pain and a piece of my depression dissipate because I wont allow it to fester into a physical reality. I may not be able to hug you with my arms so I’ll hug and embrace you with my words of hope.

Today, live like you’ve never lived before. Dream dreams that have never been dreamt before. And believe in the impossible. Because......I.AM.POSSIBLE and so are you.

I’m excited about your futures. (H.O.P.E. Helping other people evolve)