Some days I feel like I’m a bottle of olive oil almost ready to be sealed. There has been some days in this last month were I have literally felt like I have been pressed unto capacity. But as I sit and write this to you, I feel this invigoration of happiness to share this blurb with you. “Without the pressure one cannot know the true evidence of hard work.”


Friends, I know this has been a trying time for us all. Mentally, physically and emotionally. But as your comrade in the fight I whisper to you at such a gentle hour of the day, and empower you to press on. It will not be like this always. So many times we get so worried about our diagnosis. Stay proactive but moreover friends... LIVE! That word in itself seems so easy but sometimes it’s hard to do. I know this exercise of breathing may get old. But when you are stressed out, overwhelmed and ramshackle the only thing at that time is to breathe. When you breathe you release and retrieve things. Breathe out right now and release your struggle and your inner pain.


My struggle this week was different. When I saw a posting on the CDC’s twitter page that 1 out 16 Black men will be diagnosed with HIV and 1 out of 30 black women will be diagnosed with HIV. Those numbers instantly made me numb. Literally for about 48 hrs I could only go to school and think about...well nothing.


I say all of this because I’d like for you to know that when it is all said and done we must know that the process wasn’t created to kill you rather it was and is to make you stronger. I have received so many amazing emails from each of you and I am so appreciative of your feedback. Every day is a struggle but knowing that a support system is just a click away is amazing. My hope and prayer for each of you is that you live and live life to the most positive attribute you can. If you are dealing with a feeling of depression, lack or worry. Talk about those things to a friend, grab a journal and write about it. Release, breathe and live.


I’m so excited about your futures. Moreover if you haven’t smiled today smile knowing that all things work together for the good!


H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Evolve)